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Terminal is a horror shooter made using C++ and UE5. This project contains 4 unique enemies, which undergo different animations and AI.
This is a personal remake of a group project made during my time at The Developer Academy’s Unreal Engine 5 bootcamp. Big thanks to Clayton Rist who contributed with the original level construction, playtesting and the blaster sound.
This project was initially a zombie shooter with bare-bones AI and animation implementation. Upon revisit, I wanted to improve on those fronts and develop behaviours which take advantage of layered animations and Unreal Engine’s EQS.
Most of these components are done using C++ and may be documented further in the Related Posts section.
The primary focus of this project was to incorporate some varied behaviours into a complete game. Below you can see some of the techniques used to achieve the gameplay and enemies you see in Terminal.
- Anim Notifiers
Used to check player range and apply damage on a specific frame of attack animations.
void UAnimNotify_AttackPlayer::Notify(USkeletalMeshComponent* MeshComp, UAnimSequenceBase* Animation)
Super::Notify(MeshComp, Animation);
if (!(MeshComp))
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("PlayerController or MeshComponent NULL"));
APlayerController* PlayerController = GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController();
AMB2Character* PlayerCharacter = Cast<AMB2Character>(PlayerController->GetPawn());
AActor* AIActor = MeshComp->GetOwner();
FVector AILocation = AIActor->GetActorLocation();
FVector PlayerLocation = PlayerCharacter->GetActorLocation();
float Distance = FVector::Distance(AILocation, PlayerLocation);
if(Distance <= AttackRange)
UGameplayStatics::ApplyDamage(PlayerCharacter, Damage, PlayerController, AIActor, DamageType);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Hit, Health: %f"), PlayerCharacter->HealthComponent->GetHealth());
Had the health as a separate
class. -
This is a huge improvement of how I used to do it (in the
classes) and is great in terms of modularity.
C++ Delegates
Used to trigger behaviour trees when specific stages are reached.
This ensures behaviour trees aren’t ticking for enemies which are behind doors which aren’t open.
In general, delegates are used where I can in order to keep components decoupled.
An example:
void AMB2GameState::IncrementGameStage()
// Check if game won
if(GameStage >= 4)
if (!GameEndWidget)
if(UUserWidget* GameEndScreen = CreateWidget(GetWorld(), GameEndWidget))
- C++ Gameplay Timers
This was used to add a delay between rounds.
This is more of a feel-good thing, didn’t want rounds to be sudden and disorient the player due to the camera panning.
An Example
// This is called each time an alien dies
void AMB2GameState::CheckStageComplete()
TArray<AActor*> AlienActors;
UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass(GetWorld(), ABaseAlienCharacter::StaticClass(), AlienActors);
// Check if any aliens alive for given stage
for(AActor* Actor : AlienActors)
ABaseAlienCharacter* AlienCharacter = Cast<ABaseAlienCharacter>(Actor);
if((AlienCharacter->Stage == GameStage) && (!AlienCharacter->IsDead))
// Otherwise, they are all dead and the next stage should pursue
- Camera Lock On
For clarity, I used a camera lock-on technique to alert the player of what door/stage was being unlocked.
This C++ function is called in blueprints for the opening duration.
void UAnimNotify_AttackPlayer::Notify(USkeletalMeshComponent* MeshComp, UAnimSequenceBase* Animation)
Super::Notify(MeshComp, Animation);
if (!(MeshComp))
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("PlayerController or MeshComponent NULL"));
APlayerController* PlayerController = GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController();
AMB2Character* PlayerCharacter = Cast<AMB2Character>(PlayerController->GetPawn());
AActor* AIActor = MeshComp->GetOwner();
FVector AILocation = AIActor->GetActorLocation();
FVector PlayerLocation = PlayerCharacter->GetActorLocation();
float Distance = FVector::Distance(AILocation, PlayerLocation);
if(Distance <= AttackRange)
UGameplayStatics::ApplyDamage(PlayerCharacter, Damage, PlayerController, AIActor, DamageType);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Hit, Health: %f"), PlayerCharacter->HealthComponent->GetHealth());
- Parry Mechanic
One of the enemies has a charging attack which can be interrupted if it is hit while it charges.
This is mainly done with the behaviour tree and in the C++ where the alien updates whether it was hit in a given frame. I thought it was cool.
Event Dispatchers
Door functionality was done in blueprints, so a matching event was created to listen to
’s broadcast of theOnGameStateChanged
delegate.See Door_A_BP1
- Mostly done in blueprints, but handled in the
C++ class.
- Mostly done in blueprints, but handled in the
Artificial Intelligence
- Behaviour Trees
Tasks and services done in C++.
Below is a charge attack sequence.

- Environment Query System
Used to calculate locations for the hiding and strafing behaviours.
Incorporated into behaviour trees.
Animation Programming
If you want to checkout all the animation work, see Content/MoonBaseRedux/Characters/Alien/Animations
- Animation Blueprints
- State Machines used to switch between blendspaces.
- Event Graphs done in blueprints in order to update variables used in the state machines.

- Layered Animations
- Blended animations by bone in order to create more natural movements and attacks.

- Blendspaces
- Blending of movement animations by direction and speed.
- Metasounds
- I added footsteps with random pitch variation.
- This is done so players can hear enemies that haven’t been killed (mainly the hiding ones).
Version Control
- Perforce
- Setting up the initial depot and p4ignore in order to collaborate.